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„Die Interpretation ist mitreißend, spannend, hochartifiziell, lebendig, fröhlich, fesselnd. Hier wird mit Herz und Sinn musiziert, der Hörer verzaubert. Diese Musik geht ins Blut, erreicht den Hörer mit der ersten Note und lässt ihn nicht mehr los. Das ist einfach großartig!“ 

Robert Strobl, Toccata, Mai-Juni 2018

Questo è un paragrafo. Fai clic qui per modificarlo e aggiungere il tuo testo.

The unheard music of the Gypsies in the XVIII century. Research and creativity combined: "Coup de choeur" of the year 2018 for Radio France.

The child Mozart meets in London J.C.Bach and Abel: the birth of a new style of music.

The new discovery of the secrets manuscripts of Marin Marais and a theatrical dialogue between his orchestral music and the charming solos for the viola da gamba.

The century of the Bel Canto and Virtuosi: a rainbow of colors played by the soloists of IL SUONAR PARLANTE

“Here there is a continuous war between Italian music and French music”. Mozart â€‹speaking of​ Parisian music world.

An oniric dialogue with the music of Lulli, Marais, Rebel, Forqueray and Rameau. 

© 2019 by G/G Productions for Il Suonar Parlante Orchestra
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